If you are selling a house or considering buying a new home, inspections are essential. At Blue Ridge Home Inspections, we provide detailed home inspections to ensure every local homeowner knows exactly what they are getting into. From Blairsville to Jasper, we are a top-rated home inspection team and have seen our fair share of common problems. Read on and contact us today to learn more!
What Are the Most Common Problems Found in Home Inspections?
What Are the Most Common Problems Found in Home Inspections?

Unsafe Electrical Panels
Electrical panels are often outdated, damaged, or contain excess wiring. This can be a serious fire hazard that needs to be addressed right away. This issue can be easily resolved with the help of a professional electrician.

Issues with the Roof
Whether due to age, water, or other causes, roof problems are some of the most common issues found during home inspections. These can include missing or broken shingles, water stains on the ceiling, and more. Even minor problems can spell trouble, so this should be checked regularly! If your roof isn’t in good condition, it could be a sign of more serious issues.

Plumbing Issues
Inadequate plumbing is a hindrance to any home. Leaks, blocked drains, and corrosion all indicate that the plumbing system needs attention. These complications can intrude on real estate selling and buying, so it’s important to inspect the home for potential problems.

Poor Water Heating
Improperly installed water heaters can be dangerous and take up significant energy. Having a professional inspect your water heater can help identify any potential issues.
At Blue Ridge Home Inspections, we provide comprehensive evaluations, marking off every item on your home inspection checklist. If you are selling a house or looking to purchase one, contact us today to ensure your safety and the value of your property. We will provide you with home inspection tips and a detailed report so you can make the best decision for your family. With many years of experience in the home inspection industry, there is no better team to handle any home inspection needs in the North Georgia area.